Posts Tagged ‘preacher’

   Senior Pastor, Worship Leader, Minister, Youth Leader, Preacher, they’re all Pastors, and we put them on a pedestal. Even though they’re just men like you and I, we expect a little more from them. Right or wrong, we expect them to be better than we are ourselves. And in a lot of ways they are. Here are the TOP TEN Reasons you should appreciate your Pastor.

#10 – You Never catch him snoring during the service or congregational prayer.

# 9 – He rarely ever misses a service to go fishing or watch a ball game.

# 8 – He knows all the words and tunes to all the hymns.

# 7 – He remembers every single prayer request – even the one about your great-uncle Tom’s first cousin twice removed’s oversized gall bladder.

# 6 – You can trust him with your children.

# 5 – He never complains that the sermon was too long.

# 4 – He’s the only one who can find the book of Obadiah without looking in the index.

# 3 – He actually encourages teenagers to come to church.

# 2 – He knows every member’s name without having to look in the church directory.

And the number one reason you appreciate your pastor:

— Even if there wasn’t a little fish on his car, he would NEVER cut you off in traffic like you just did him.


   A country preacher was delivering a Spirit-filled message one Sunday, when he stopped to see if his message was getting across.

“Who wants to go to Heaven?” he shouted.

Everyone’s hand went up amid shouts of Amen and Hallelujah , except for one young man in the back.

He shouted again, “I tell you it’s gonna’ be a great place – Now, who wants to go to Heaven?”

Again, there were shouts of excitement from the congregation and all hands went up – except this young guy in the back.

Well, maybe he didn’t hear me, the preacher thought. I’ll give it one more try. So he called out clear and loud, “At last we’ll be with God our Maker, Now who wants to GO TO HEAVEN?”

Again there was no response from the guy in the back.

The preacher couldn’t stand it. Why wouldn’t this guy raise his hand? “You sir, in the back. You didn’t raise your hand. Don’t you want to go to Heaven when you die?” the preacher asked. “Oh, yeah… when I die,” the guy replied and sheepishly raised his hand. “I thought you was gettin’ up a crowd to go right now.”